Saturday, June 11, 2011

Richard Prause x RW+SS Slayer Model

Man these boards have blown my mind!!! I can't say enough good things about them or their shaper. Richard Prause is a magician!!! He and I worked closely on these shapes and I have to say that I feel that they are the best longboard that I've ever ridden for our local conditions. I'm sure that they will excel elsewhere, but man these make any soupy day a super fun session. I took my 9'1 (the white one named Natasha) out on Wednesday for her maiden voyage and I was amazed by how well she paddles and how easily she picks up waves. She turns insane and is unbelievably stable on the nose. I got some super fun noserides and thigh high slop!!! Thursday was the same story in about the same conditions. This morning she officially became my favorite board. Part of why she holds so well is the shape of the tail... Come in to see one and I'll show you what's going on there... These boards trim extremely well in small conditions (read Charleston and all other places that break in the 1-3 ft range regularly) and we made them 3 1/4 thick so they float like a board a foot longer. I'm looking forward to getting her into some fun waves tomorrow AM!!!! Stop by the shop to see one. Sanded finish starting at $650, Full Gloss and polish with color work $750. I'm stoked out of my head on these, and I think you will be too. Let's surf soon!!!

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